Tuesday, 1 March 2011

Random Post

Dear friend,

If I'm not in contact with you any time soon any of the following might apply:

1. Felt asleep in Starbucks: If this is the case then you might see lots of people posting my sleep face picture in their profiles because the Starbucks I'm into has "jiamaries"[greek for having lots of windows together that form a wall of something.. well.. i'm sleepy hope you got it] and I'm sitting in the stools facing outside.. not an attractive option I guess, but hey, feel free to contact the store.. you can find it on places app on FaceBook
2. Felt asleep while going home in the bus, the bus diverted and instead of heading towards Kings Cross to change for the tube or another bus I will end up in Hampstead were a homeless might wake me up to check whether I have enough change for a cup of coffee... like they need coffee when they are homeless, they can atleast tell me the truth.. "Hey you.. wanna chip in some coins, im in need of some frieds of McDonalds and really have to make an effort to pay-up my outstanding balance to my drug-dealer.. I still cannot get it, if drug dealers are threatening people why didn't they realize that it is easier to set up a direct debit and let the banks handle everything. Ouf.. well, if this is the case then I will just catch up a tube/bus go home, and then rest..
3. I felt asleep in the tube on the way from the District Line Stop to Picadilly. If this is the case then i have no idea where i will end up since i haven't taken the district line for mone than 3 stops
4. Felt asleep in the picadilly line
5. Lucky enough to end up home

Summing up I want to say that don't worry If I maybe vanished for a while; The lack of sleeperiocity (superiocity = the superior value of sleep as an activity) will affect me on gaining back that lost ground.



PS: Ok.. if this post is not random enough sorry.... Otherwise, welcome to my new blog of totally random blog postings!ZzZzzzzz
PS2: If you didn't get PS1 and you are a newbie reading this.. Just wanted to let you know that the previous title "The confessions of a bad lucker" has been switched to this one.. As my previous experiences are still unluckily random the fell into the same scope of this blog.
PS3: If you did actually believed PS2 and looked at the title guess again.. I would never do that!!! That is not marketeristic (check: http://power-of-marketing.blogspot.com/) enough.. which is probably why you might [and I'm saying might because when i'm sleepy, i cannot promise things, at least thinks that are quite random..] be expending something new soon.. ok.. this was more random! zzzz for the final time x